
              The auspicious knowledge of all human beings in the world and from the scriptures. The skills of this scripture are planets. The planetary world & all auspicious karma fal plant knowing from above. By knowing the auspicious fruit of your life from guruji you become your's happiness, peace, prosperity, subject excellence, wealth can receive in life.


Marriage which takes place only once in human life is the foundation of the world and the attainment of a suitable partner is a virtue and reunion and delay in marriage, marital problems, disputes with spouse problems, remarriage all these problems can be solved by getting proper guidance from guruji. Happiness in life can be a happy solution.


Delay in procreation, inability to conceive during childbirth and knowledge about other offspring change the diet through proper guidance you see through astrology with the help of divine remedy. We can overcome all the problems related to offspring.


Lack of money, trade, and health problems making the wrong business, going into the debt, frequent changing trades, all your doubts from guruji through Fraudulent horoscopes in trade, you can get proper guidance on the problem.

Trade / Property

This is what you get in life. How to get money? Quantity and the method of obtaining money, the state of the trade, the nature of the trade, stability, credit, worthiness, similar business changes. Wealth can be achieved without much effort.

Education / Career

We can get proper guidance from our kundali by considering the state of education, barriers in education, higher education and vocational education, abroad and the choice of education sector we can enrich our lives.


In astrology, it is customary to do occasional auspicious deeds on the spot. The Sun coming to earth, the 60th part of particle is considered a moment. Thoughts of the moment for good deeds are done. Almighty purely that moment can be different for each person. The work done on auspicious occasions is fruitful. So, marriage, architecture, trade, education, and many more. There is no doubt that, if you can do the work according to the moment you will get good luck.

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